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Writer's pictureSi Everitt


Welcome back to the second half. 2-1 to the Kentish outfit at the break, but all to play for. Especially with Notts bringing the big guns on.

Tensions are mounting in the stands. Some Notts kids have let off a flare, even though they are losing.

"That's just embarrassing" chant the Deal/Walmer brigade, followed by "back to your Northern slums".

To which the Notts fans retort "you've come here to die, you've come here to die-eeee, seaside shit town, you've come here to die" alluding to the ageing population in most British seaside towns.

"You've 'ad yer chips, now fuck off home" reply Deal & Walmer, slightly rattled.

Meanwhile, a lone hysterical old crow in the Kent end stands up and shouts "you've not got anything as nice as Middle Street in Deal, you absolute meanies!" It wasn't very catchy, but a decent effort.

PHEW! Let's get this second half started eh, before there's a riot?

Final Whistle (Southwell) v Farrier (Deal)

It seems strange to kick off the second half with a Final Whistle, but that's the way we roll in BRAPA world. Nice to see it hidden behind a Monkey Puzzle tree, having done a Blue Monkey puzzle (beermat jigsaw) in Oxton. This pub was more railway than sports themed, deservedly busy. The first thing I see are Oakham Citra and Bass pumps - don't make me choose between two faves! I crumble and go for a Brewster's Hophead. But then I walk through the pub and there's five more beers in the other side. The place is crawling with post-work folk, most on the ale, it is mainly bare boarded and wooden, but with plenty of nooks and crannies (well, nooks -I've never been sure what a cranny is) and exciting decor like errrm, a trowel collection. One man seems paranoid that his dog is dehydrated, and keeps getting up, grabbing the dog bowl of water, and forcing his poor canine's face into it, to much amusement of those around me. I'm absolutely loving this place by now, and thinking my next pub didn't open til 6pm, feel I can afford to stay for two 'exciting' halves, Stockport Stout and something ridiculously Tiny Rebel. The plan was to decant them into my empty pint glass cos I HATE drinking out of half glasses, but the super efficient staff swiped it whilst I had my back turned. Oscar's fluffy presence helps me get chatting to this couple who love the sound of BRAPA (not a burp or fart) and tell me they think my other pub actually opens at 5pm! Best get supping up, and go explore. But this was a rare 'would've happily stayed all night' pub, which grabbed with invisible beery tentacles and implored me to stick around.

A good twenty minute yomp from Walmer (but even further from the Deal pubs), we came to the backstreet gem that is the Farrier shortly after 2pm. Our young chum in the previous pub had sounded vaguely jealous of this one, dissing its beer range whilst sort of begrudgingly admitting it was great! It was heaving on this particularly Saturday afternoon, and with no sign of the so-called 'nicest landlord in town', Daddy B. and myself could finally sit down and breathe, after a high octane sociable start! Takes me ages to get served, as Dad grabs a seat in the far corner, the overworked barmaid decides to try and speed things up by serving three people at once, having already been growled at by an impatient old crone. Problem is, she forgets my second drink choice, the bloke next to me's first drink choice, and then has to clarify something crispy with the bloke around the other side .... so she may as well have just served one person at a time! Anyway, a rewarding chunky grade II listed corner boozer is this, a hive of activity, and once I adapt to the more traditional strains of my Wantsum Hurricane, I get a right taste for it, knock it back, and Daddy BRAPA (managing the time situation today) reports I've done well, and we are still on track, as long as we leg it up to Deal proper for our next tick. My motivation for being back in King's Cross at a decent hour, is of course, a pint of ESB!

Equaliser! Notts Elect 2-2 Deal & Walmer F.C.

Nothing against the Farrier, it was a good solid boozer, but there was just something special about the Final Whistle, like it might even end up in the reckoning for overall pub of the year. Thirty five yard piledriver volley with outside of foot with back to goal with three defenders up his arse kinda finish. Amazing stuff.

All to play for then as we move into the final stage of the game, and the quality remains top drawer.

Old Coach House, Southwell v Ship Inn, Deal

There's only one question on my lips as I enter this pub at 6:10pm, 'did Old Coach House open at 5 or 6?' and as I order a delightful Oakham Inferno from a 'greatest hits' real ale line up, I ask the polite young gent behind the bar. '5pm' he confirms. Thought it was pretty busy for a pub that had only been open ten minutes! The landlady overhears our exchange, and in the true spirit of 2023 pub opening time discrepancies, tells me they have little control over the hours listed online! Even their Facebook? Yes, even their Facebook. I really don't get it, but she's nice as is everyone in here and promises 'she'll look into it'. A bit late for me now, but we must pave the way for the future generation of tickers, unnecessary pressure has been placed on my last bus back into Nottingham as a result. But taking the pub for what it is, well in 99% of English villages, it'd be hands down the best, tough luck it is up against the Final Whistle. I tell you the folk of Southwell are lucky buggers. I've been to many cities with say, 15 GBG pubs, with not two as good as here. It is so popular tonight that perching at the bar is my only option, next to a very tempting looking Thorntons Easter Egg, the Scampi and Bacon fries even more so, as the odd random old bloke says 'ow do' from across the way. Like I say, a bit more of a rushed job than it should've been, but I could appreciate the quality of the place.

We worked out that we walked about five miles across our Deal/Walmer day, and the longest leg was from the Farrier to the Ship Inn. A zipped up leather jacket had me sweating like the only vegan in Middlesbrough by the time I arrive, although the beauty of Middle Street in Deal's 'historic conservation area' made it all worthwhile. This stunning little booze hole was the perfect fit for the area it was in, that's the key compliment to pay it. I'd only had vinegary Gadds' No.5 previously (in Canterbury) so this was the perfect place to see what it is supposed to taste like (top Bitter is the answer). Not the easiest pub to write about because it speaks for itself - reassuringly basic, nautically themed, but not one of those 'fun' overwhelming ones, wooden floors, old furniture, delicious fireplace, I suspect it is even better on a dark wintry evening with wind and rain battering the building. I love it now even more than I realised I did at the time.

Man abandons Carling for more flavoursome glass of water (thanks to Neil Armstrong on Twitter for that one!) Has the man read the Cholera notice though?


Notts Elect 2-3 Deal & Walmer F.C.

Feels slightly harsh on the Old Coach House, it was great but the rushed nature of my pint (which is kinda their fault!) plus being sat at the bar just wasn't on a par with the delightful surroundings in the pretty part of Deal.

Full time - can you believe it, three wins out of three for Kent. Notts did very little wrong. But Deal & Walmer is a pretty epic day out if you get the chance, I was well impressed.

Join me tomorrow for the Month End Review, with all the stats and progress made so far as we approach the halfway point of the 2022/23 ticking season. And I'll briefly tell you about my other two Deal ticks.

Thanks for reading, Si

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